Preparing patients to come to the laboratory

Accurate and reliable results of laboratory tests are crucial to assist healthcare professionals in making diagnosis, monitoring disease progression and selecting appropriate therapy for the patient. Therefore, it is essential that patients come to the laboratory well prepared to ensure the best possible outcome.

Standards of Treatment

We provide standard treatment and latest medical technology with best facility in our clinic.

Well Communication

We provide well communication and latest medical technology with best facility in our clinic.

Infection Prevention

We provide infection prevention and latest medical technology with best facility in our clinic.

25+ Years Experience

We have a 25+ Years Experience and latest medical technology with best facility in our clinic.

What we did :


Medical laboratory and specialists services

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Final Results :

Clients are also provided with the resources to manage turnaround scope collection, approval and risk ranking. In addition, the resources to develop both the long range (+30%) budget on a statistical basis, as well as the control budget based on the completed schedule

Important guidelines for visiting the laboratory


Diet 1


The laboratory is attended in the morning, from 7 am to 10am at best, after a night fasting of 12h, to ensure that food does not affect the concentration levels of various substances in the blood, such are iron, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, proteins and other metabolites.



Physical activity 2

Physical activity

For the accuracy of the results, avoid intense physical activity 24 hours before visiting the laboratory, to avoid increased levels of certain enzymes, such as CK, LDH and AST. For example, 4 hours of physical activity may increase the enzyme CK (creatine kinase) by up to 50%. It can take up to 7 days for these levels to return to normal. Physical activity also affects the concentration of creatinine, glucose, secretion of insulin, cholesterol and triglycerides to a lesser extent.

Physical activity


Tobacco consumption 3

Tobacco consumption

If you are a smoker, refrain from tobacco for at least an hour before giving a blood sample, as the impact of tobacco to the laboratory results is very significant. Smoking, depending on the number of cigarettes and the amount of smoke inhaled, affects the adrenal gland and increases the concentration of adrenaline. It also increases lipid parameters and therefore the risk of atherosclerosis.

Tobacco consumption


Blood sampling time 4

Blood sampling time

Since many constituents in bodily fluids show cyclical variations due to various factors (food intake, stress, physical activity, sleep or wakefulness, day or night), it is recommended to adhere to the time frame from 7 am to 10 am in order to give findings to minimize these variations.

Blood sampling time


Rest 5


Bed rest of at least 15 minutes before blood extraction is recommended for almost all analyzes and in particular for prolactin, cortisol, ACTH and catecholamines because sampling must be performed in a state of complete relaxation and rest.



Patients in therapy 6

Patients in therapy

It is essential for patients with a therapy to inform medical staff about the drugs/medicines they take, including any hormone therapy, vitamin supplements, blood clotting drugs or iron supplements. For example, the consumption of iron supplements (taken in the morning) may lead to incorrect high test results. In consultation with a doctor, you should take your therapy either in the evening before the extraction or immediately after blood sampling. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with your selected doctor about the schedule of drinking therapy when you come to the laboratory.

Patients in therapy


Hydration 7


Well-hydrated patient i.e. taking sufficent quantity of water during the day will make it easier for the lab to find veins and draw blood, and this will be less traumatic for the patient. It is recommended to, a day or two before arriving at the laboratory, patient drinks about 2l of water per day.
